Hydraulics run many heavy tools and require specialized repair and maintenance. When it is time to give these functions attention, some find this to be unfamiliar territory due to the specialized knowledge involved. As this is not always familiar area even for people who work with hydraulics every day, there are plenty of misunderstandings and misdiagnoses of issues, as these systems really have no everyday consumer equivalent. This review will help you understand common hydraulic repairs in Minnesota so you can recognize symptoms before they become more serious (and more expensive) issues.
Clearing lines
Hydraulic systems frequently encounter aeration or cavitation. Aeration describes the incident of hydraulic fluid contamination from outside air. Cavitation is when the fluid demanded by operation exceeds the amount being supplied, placing pressure on circuits that regulate fluid intake. The result is an alarming noise that often worries operators, especially since the effects can compromise metals.
Aeration is reversed by clearing lines, replacing clamps and fittings and even replacing the lines if they have become too deteriorated. Cavitation needs immediate attention when the knocking noise it generates starts up. To stop it, the pump and its lines also need to be cleared along with any filters. The point is to keep fluid and air flowing freely for optimal functioning and operator safety.
Heat exchanger maintenance
Operators must watch fluid temperature carefully. If the temperature rises above 180 degrees, the system becomes dangerous to use. The first step when this happens involves checking the fuel reservoir level, as temperatures will frequently rise when this is low. This is an easy problem to solve and many can return right back to work after topping off the fluid. Another possibility is poor airflow, which often results from debris buildup in the system. If the operator detects blockage at first glance, removing it will often solve the problem.
However, once these possibilities are eliminated, the problem is often with the heat exchanger. The core also attracts dirt and becomes blocked, which means there is no heat regulation for the fluid. Cooling circuits fail as a result, and a thorough cleaning and circuit replacement can be necessary. Since the heat exchanger is so essential, monitoring it should be part of every maintenance and repair schedule.
Seal leaks
Leaks within the system can cause a variety of problems including poor airflow, overheating and slow operation. Fluid leaks are a common cause of slow cycles, as that drops the pressure needed for good functioning. Air leaks happen for many reasons, including the reasons already stated above. However, they are not just limited to the lines and are frequently found in the valves, actuators and pump, as well.
Finding leaks is not an easy task and needs professional handling. As they can lead to several dangerous conditions, if any function slows down, seek hydraulic repair immediately.
M & M Hydraulic Company is located in St. Paul and offers hydraulic repairs in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Wisconsin. We can offer the specialized assistance required to keep your system running properly and safely. Contact us today to schedule repair and maintenance.